Alzheimer's disease and air pollution: The development and progression of a fatal disease from childhood and the opportunities for early prevention

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Most people think of Alzheimer's disease as a condition which predominately affects elderly people, but an increasing amount of evidence indicates that in populations exposed to high concentration of air pollutants, Alzheimer's disease development and progression can be identified in pediatric and young adulthood ages. Cognitive, olfactory, gait, equilibrium and auditory alterations are seen early, thus the concept of decades-long asymptomatic period prior to clinical cognitive impairment does not apply to the millions of people exposed day in and day out to polluted environments. This book Alzheimer's Disease and Air Pollution - The Development and Progression of a Fatal Disease from Childhood and the Opportunities for Early Prevention is a compilation of work by researchers intent on revealing the links between air pollution and neurodegeneration. The book is divided into 6 sections. It includes a section describing the ways in which air pollution from traffic and tobacco smoke can damage the brain; epidemiological studies establishing a strong link between dementia and particulate matter and ozone; papers explaining the properties of pollution; and works describing the intricate pathways which transform normal neurons into ghost tangles surrounded by a devastated brain. Air pollution is complex; different pollutants, different sizes and shapes and different portals of entry, play different roles, but their capacity to damage neural tissue is abundantly illustrated in this book, which highlights the need for preventive measures to protect the millions of people currently exposed to air pollutants, and the need to ameliorate their harmful effects.

Original languageEnglish
PublisherIOS Press
Number of pages601
ISBN (Electronic)9781643681597
ISBN (Print)9781643681580
StatePublished - May 3 2021


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