Coproducing Science to Inform Working Lands: The Next Frontier in Nature Conservation

David E. Naugle, Brady W. Allred, Matthew O. Jones, Dirac Twidwell, Jeremy D. Maestas

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

33 Scopus citations


Conservationists are increasingly convinced that coproduction of science enhances its utility in policy, decision-making, and practice. Concomitant is a renewed reliance on privately owned working lands to sustain nature and people. We propose a coupling of these emerging trends as a better recipe for conservation. To illustrate this, we present five elements of coproduction, contrast how they differ from traditional approaches, and describe the role of scientists in successful partnerships. Readers will find coproduction more demanding than the loading dock approach to science delivery but will also find greater rewards, relevance, and impact. Because coproduction is novel and examples of it are rare, we draw on our roles as scientists within the US Department of Agriculture-led Sage Grouse Initiative, North America's largest effort to conserve the sagebrush ecosystem. As coproduction and working lands evolve, traditional approaches will be replaced in order to more holistically meet the needs of nature and people.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)90-96
Number of pages7
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1 2020


  • Conservation outcomes
  • Farm Bill
  • coproduction
  • partnerships
  • private lands


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