Genetic history of an archaic hominin group from Denisova cave in Siberia

David Reich, Richard E. Green, Martin Kircher, Johannes Krause, Nick Patterson, Eric Y. Durand, Bence Viola, Adrian W. Briggs, Udo Stenzel, Philip L.F. Johnson, Tomislav Maricic, Jeffrey M. Good, Tomas Marques-Bonet, Can Alkan, Qiaomei Fu, Swapan Mallick, Heng Li, Matthias Meyer, Evan E. Eichler, Mark StonekingMichael Richards, Sahra Talamo, Michael V. Shunkov, Anatoli P. Derevianko, Jean Jacques Hublin, Janet Kelso, Montgomery Slatkin, Svante Pääbo

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1283 Scopus citations


Using DNA extracted froma finger bone found in Denisova Cave in southern Siberia, wehave sequenced the genome of an archaic hominin to about 1.9-fold coverage. This individual is from a group that shares a common origin with Neanderthals. This population was not involved in the putative gene flow from Neanderthals into Eurasians; however, the data suggest that it contributed4-6%of its genetic material to the genomes of present-day Melanesians.Wedesignate this hominin population 'Denisovans' and suggest that it may have been widespread in Asia during the Late Pleistocene epoch.Atooth found in Denisova Cave carries a mitochondrialgenome highly similar to that of the finger bone. This tooth shares no derived morphological features with Neanderthals or modern humans, further indicating that Denisovans have an evolutionary history distinct from Neanderthals and modern humans.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1053-1060
Number of pages8
Issue number7327
StatePublished - Dec 23 2010


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