Investigation of the nitrogen shock wave structure on the basis of trajectory calculations of the molecular interaction

Ragan M. Callaway, R. W. Brooker, Philippe Choler, Zaal Kikvidze, Christopher J. Lortie, Richard Michalet, Leonardo Paolini, Francisco I. Pugnaire, Beth Newingham, Erik T. Aschehoug, Cristina Armas, David Kikodze, Bradley J. Cook

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3 Scopus citations


The shock wave structure in a diatomic gas is investigated using the direct statistical simulation (Monte-Carlo) method. The energy exchange between translational and rotational degrees of freedom (TR-exchange) is calculated by solving the dynamic problem of the interaction between rigid-rotator molecules within the framework of classical mechanics. The density profiles calculated are compared with the experimental data and on this basis the nitrogen rotational relaxation time is estimated. The possibility of using simplified intermolecular interaction models, namely, the variable-diameter sphere model employed together with a phenomenological consideration of the TR-exchange, is studied. Gasdynamic parameter profiles in the shock wave are analyzed. Simple approximations of the velocity gradient and translational and rotational temperature profiles are obtained on the basis of a parametric calculation of the shock wave structure. This makes it possible approximately to describe the gasdynamic parameter profiles in terms of elementary functions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)970-982
Number of pages13
JournalFluid Dynamics
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2002


  • Diatomic gas
  • Rotational relaxation
  • Shock wave
  • Statistical simulation


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