Logging utilization in Arizona and New Mexico, 2012-2017: Current and past trends

Eric A. Simmons, Todd A. Morgan, Steven W. Hayes, Erik C. Berg, John D. Shaw

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A study of commercial timber-harvesting sites in Arizona and New Mexico was conducted from 2012 to 2017 to estimate growing-stock removals, characterize current tree utilization and logging operations, and assist with estimating the amount of woody biomass left on-site after harvesting. Fifty-four sample logging sites were selected within major geographic regions proportional to regional five-year timber harvests. A two-stage sampling method was used to compute State-level utilization factors from 1,358 felled trees. Results indicated that in Arizona, for every 1,000 cubic feet (CF) delivered to the mill, harvesting created 24 CF feet of growing-stock logging residue, and 38 CF of non-growing-stock material was delivered to the mill. This compared to 65 CF of growing-stock logging residue created and 20 CF of non-growing-stock utilized per 1,000 CF of mill-delivered volume in New Mexico. Different harvesting prescriptions and mill infrastructure contributed to the utilization differences between the two States. The 2012-2017 New Mexico utilization factors revealed an increase in growing-stock logging residue compared to the1980s, a unique finding among western States. This outcome is likely attributable to declines in the State’s milling infrastructure, particularly facilities with the ability to use smaller diameter material.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)ii-24
JournalUSDA Forest Service - Resource Bulletin RMRS-RB
Issue numberRMRS-RB-31
StatePublished - 2020


  • Forest inventory
  • Growing-stock removals
  • Logging residue
  • Removals factors
  • Timber harvest


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