Many-electron dynamics in high-order harmonic generation of niobium: A time-dependent density-functional-Theory study

Xi Chu, Gerrit C. Groenenboom

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2 Scopus citations


The strong-field many-electron dynamics is studied via the resonance-enhanced high-order harmonic generation (HHG) of niobium. In intense IR lights excited states of Nb with the configuration 4d35snp play a vital role in the enhanced HHG below the ionization potential, even though the electron initially occupying the 5s orbital is the most active. The energies of these states increase linearly with the laser intensity, which causes the effective ionization potential to increase as well. Above the ionization potential, many-electron effects may cause an electronic state of Nb to be in resonance with that of Nb+, which leads to enhanced HHG and which influences the tunneling ionization as well.

Original languageEnglish
Article number053110
JournalPhysical Review A
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2022


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