Nevada’s Forest resources, 2004-2013

Jim Menlove, John D. Shaw, Chris Witt, Charles E. Werstak, R. Justin DeRose, Sara A. Goeking, Michael C. Amacher, Todd A. Morgan, Colin B. Sorenson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


This report presents a summary of the most recent inventory information for Nevada’s forest lands. The report includes descriptive highlights and tables of area, number of trees, biomass, volume, growth, mortality, and removals. Most of the tables are organized by forest-type group, species group, diameter class, or ownership. The report also describes inventory design, inventory terminology, and data reliability. Results show that Nevada’s forest land totals 10.6 million acres. Sixty-three percent (6.7 million acres) of this forest land is administered by the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management. Forest types in the pinyon/juniper group cover 8.6 million acres or 81 percent of Nevada’s forest lands, making them the predominant forest type in the State. The woodland hardwoods forest-type group is the second most abundant, comprising 7 percent of Nevada’s forest land. Utah juniper and singleleaf pinyon are the most abundant tree species in Nevada, whether measured by number of trees, volume, or biomass. Net annual growth of all live trees 5.0 inches diameter and greater on Nevada’s forest land totaled 16.3 million cubic feet. Average annual mortality totaled 47.7 million cubic feet.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-168
Number of pages168
JournalUSDA Forest Service - Resource Bulletin RMRS-RB
Issue numberRMRS-RB-22
StatePublished - 2016


  • Biomass
  • Field data
  • Forest inventory
  • Growth
  • Mortality
  • Nevada
  • Removals
  • Trees
  • Volume


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