On-Site energy consumption and selected emissions at softwood sawmills in the southwestern United States

Dan Loeffler, Nathaniel Anderson, Todd A. Morgan, Colin B. Sorenson

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Presently there is a lack of information describing US southwestern energy consumption and emissions generated from th sawmilling industry. This article uses a mail survey of softwood sawmills in the states of Arizona, Colorado, and Ne Mexico to develop a profile of on-site energy consumption and selected emissions for the industry. Energy consumption i categorized by fuel type on a production basis for both renewable and nonrenewable sources for production year 2012 Selected emissions from on-site energy consumption were also estimated for respondent sawmills. Survey respondent represented 35 percent of total softwood lumber production of 169.2 million board feet. Total annual on-site sawmill energ required was 64.8 billion British thermal units. Sixty-one percent was derived from diesel fuel, primarily for on-site rollin stock; 35 percent was from electricity; 3 percent was from gasoline used for on-site rolling stock; and the remainder was fro propane and wood. Energy produced from nonrenewable sources accounted for 94 percent of total on-site energ consumption. Off-site electricity generation for consumption at sawmills comprise the majority of all emissions in thi analysis: 62 percent of CO2, 99 percent of CH4, 94 percent of NOx, 99 percent of SOx, and 99 percent of particulate matter 10 lm (PM10). Diesel fuel, which supplies the majority of on-site energy, comprises 36 percent CO2, 0 percent CH4, percent NOX, 0.4 percent SOX, and 1.1

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)326-337
Number of pages12
JournalForest Products Journal
Issue number5-6
StatePublished - 2016


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