Self-Deception, Deception, and the Way of the World

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

1 Scopus citations


This chapter argues against the usual ways of understanding self-deception on the grounds that such ways operate with too thin a notion of truth and true belief. It outlines a more adequate way of understanding truth, deception, and self-deception through an account of sociohistorical truth and sociohistorical deception developed out of Kant and Hegel. Crucial to the story is the division between first-order belief formation and second-order belief formation: the space between these two is, the chapter argues, the space of self-deception. It uses Heidegger to bolster this account, and concludes with a strikingly original analysis of the relationship between self-deception and Sartre's notion of bad faith.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Philosophy of Deception
PublisherOxford University Press
ISBN (Electronic)9780199852444
ISBN (Print)9780195327939
StatePublished - Oct 3 2011


  • Bad faith
  • Belief formation
  • Hegel
  • Heidegger
  • Kant
  • Sartre
  • Self-deception
  • Sociohistorical deception
  • Truth


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